Aresson Rounders Set - Introductory

Aresson Rounders Set - Introductory


Product code: PRDP08668

Direct Delivery – up to 7 days.

This Aresson Introductory Rounders Pack is a four sets of all equipment included so four times the amount of games can take place simultaneously to ensure that a whole class is active. The batting tees enable batting practise and different bats and balls are included to enable differentiation for varying abilities.

Pack contains:

4 x batting tees and bases

4 x foam bats

4 x flatty bats

4 x All Play Soft balls

4 x 9cm foam balls

16 x cones

1 x Rounders England Small Rounders Games Cards for ideas

1 x Aresson holdall.

Further Information

Schools approved
Age Recommended from
5 Years
Age Recommended to
7 Years
Country of Manufacture
Teaching ideas and games included.
Supplier Product Code
Direct Delivery – up to 7 days.

This Aresson Introductory Rounders Pack is a four sets of all equipment included so four times the amount of games can take place simultaneously to ensure that a whole class is active. The batting tees enable batting practise and different bats and balls are included to enable differentiation for varying abilities.

Pack contains:

4 x batting tees and bases

4 x foam bats

4 x flatty bats

4 x All Play Soft balls

4 x 9cm foam balls

16 x cones

1 x Rounders England Small Rounders Games Cards for ideas

1 x Aresson holdall.

Further Information

Schools approved
Age Recommended from
5 Years
Age Recommended to
7 Years
Country of Manufacture
Teaching ideas and games included.
Supplier Product Code

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